The Cordero Digest 2020-21
Cordero WebpageAny questions? Please reach out to us:
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
You can also leave a message with our Google Voice Numbers:
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)
We are so glad to have you back!
Thanks to all families that came back in person. We were so glad to have you! It is important to thank all staff for their contributions. We safely returned and are on the move! We have more information on our welcome back letter.
Important Reminders to In-Person Students
- Please complete the COVID app by 8am and send a screenshot of the green thumb to your child's teacher EVERY morning your child comes in. If you get a red thumb or X, please do not come to the school until Nurse Stone has contacted you. Your child will be able to attend virtually until they are cleared to come in.
- Please line up at the time listed on your letter and not a moment earlier. Tthe point of a staggered entry and staggered dismissal is to reduce crowds and allow all people to appropriately distance. If you are early, please wait off school grounds.
- Be sure to complete the emergency contact form for your child. It is imperative we have this information.
- The school will be closed at 12:55 so please pick your child up at the appropriate time listed in your letter
- All students coming in-person must wear school appropriate attire. If they have uniforms that fit, feel free to wear those.
- PPE and individual desk dividers will be provided to students on the first day of their cohort. Teachers will oversee their distribution and use.
- Students must wear masks the entire time they are in the building.
- Students should bring in water bottles. We do not have water available for them.
- Students will not have a snack or mask break during the day. If you have a medical concern about this, please contact Nurse Stone.
- We ask that students K-3 bring in their devices so they can submit work, log into encore classes and collaborate with remote students. Please contact your child's teacher for any concerns.
- We ask that remote students be patient as we work through the usual bumps that happen on the first day of this cohort. Trust that we will figure this out and we are trying our hardest to reach each and every one of our students in-person and remote.
- Please complete the COVID app by 8am and send a screenshot of the green thumb to your child's teacher EVERY morning your child comes in. If you get a red thumb or X, please do not come to the school until Nurse Stone has contacted you. Your child will be able to attend virtually until they are cleared to come in.
- Please line up at the time listed on your letter and not a moment earlier. Tthe point of a staggered entry and staggered dismissal is to reduce crowds and allow all people to appropriately distance. If you are early, please wait off school grounds.
- Be sure to complete the emergency contact form for your child. It is imperative we have this information.
- The school will be closed at 12:55 so please pick your child up at the appropriate time listed in your letter
- All students coming in-person must wear school appropriate attire. If they have uniforms that fit, feel free to wear those.
- PPE and individual desk dividers will be provided to students on the first day of their cohort. Teachers will oversee their distribution and use.
- Students must wear masks the entire time they are in the building.
- Students should bring in water bottles. We do not have water available for them.
- Students will not have a snack or mask break during the day. If you have a medical concern about this, please contact Nurse Stone.
- We ask that students K-3 bring in their devices so they can submit work, log into encore classes and collaborate with remote students. Please contact your child's teacher for any concerns.
- We ask that remote students be patient as we work through the usual bumps that happen on the first day of this cohort. Trust that we will figure this out and we are trying our hardest to reach each and every one of our students in-person and remote.
Kindergarten Shirts On Sale This Week!
Moving-On T-Shirts can be purchased for your child outside of the school entrance for $10 1-2p Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday with Mrs. Carattini. You can pay by cash (EXACT CHANGE ONLY), CashApp ($CarolynCarattini), or Venmo (@CRodri041). Please distance and wear masks.
Parent Conferences for Marking Period 3 on Tuesday, May 4th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
We will have our evening virtual report card on Tuesday, May 4th from 6:30-8:00pm. Parents contact your child's teachers to set up an appointment. Please note that I have directed teachers to set up 5 minute appointments. If those appointments are filled or you need a longer discussion with a teacher, please set another time to get into contact with them. On Tuesday, May 4th, I will email the zoom calls for the Encore Teachers, Child Study Team and other non-homeroom staff so you can pop in when you have time.
Check Your Child's Grades Anytime Using the Infinite Campus Portal
Parents can log into the Student Portal to review student grades at any time by following these instructions:
Please log into the Infinite Campus Student Portal. The link is here:
OR, Get the app: Google Play:
Parents can log into the Student Portal to review student grades at any time by following these instructions:
Please log into the Infinite Campus Student Portal. The link is here:
OR, Get the app:
Google Play:
Email Your Child's Teachers
Please remember to communicate with teachers using their JCBOE addresses. Only students may contact teachers using their JCPSNJ address.
Summer Fun Opportunities from the Department of Recreation
Please see the flyer and website below for more information.
CASPER Opportunity
The C.A.S.P.E.R. program is being offered remotely to students in grades Prek-5th at no charge. If you are interested in signing up for this free remote program, please complete the survey.
Our students will be exposed to enrichment, health, wellness, social emotional learning and homework help. The program runs from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm with a few breaks between the sessions.
Our program runs the following days: (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday)
Please take a look at our website for more information