Monday, June 28, 2021

Cordero Digest 6.28.21


The Cordero Digest 2020-21

Cordero Webpage
Any questions? Please reach out to us: 
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
You can also leave a message with our Google Voice Numbers: 
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)

District Address Verification

You may have heard that the district is completing a district-wide address verification. Please complete it using the steps below. I apologize for the duplicate work I created when I asked for the initial verification. It is supremely important that you complete this process for each of your children. You can see directions here:

Summer Work to Prepare for September

Summer assignments are available online using the link below. The assignments can utilize internet resources, but can also be done without so you can enjoy a screen-less summer if you so desire. Should you want a printed copy rather than reviewing it online, please advise your child's teacher. We will have them available for pickup at the school until July 9th. 

Note: Please look for the grade your child will enter. 

Teachers On-Call for the Summer

Ms. Piccillo

K-5 English Language Arts and Social Studies Google Classroom Code: ko3jipn

Ms. Cafferty

K-5 Mathematics and Science Google Classroom Code: zalv743

Ms. Pasquale

K-5 Special Education and SEL Google Classroom Code: zgqf5kc

Mr. Giani

6-8 English Language Arts and Social Studies Google Classroom Code: f5f5doo

Mr. Baker

6-8 Mathematics and Science Google Classroom Code: lfbsg7m

Ms. Towers

6-8 Special Education and Spanish Google Classroom Code: g5myczp

If you are having trouble hearing back from a teacher within 

the specified hours of assistance, please fill out this form:

Class of 2022 T-Shirt Orders

Parents of the Class of 2022 need to order their children's t-shirts as soon as possible. Please complete this form to do so

Chromebook Collection

Class of 2021 students and any students transferring from Cordero are to bring in their chromebooks back to school. If you have any concerns about this, please reach out to Mr. Cabrera

If you have a school device and will remain at Cordero, you can use it for summer work. If you would like to return it, please do so by July 9th.

Last Day of School

Please note that the last day of school is Tuesday, June 29th.  

PS37PTA STEAM Goes to the Stratosphere! 

The STEAM Committee sent a weather balloon into the stratosphere! More info here 

IN-PERSON Summer S.P.A.R.K.S. Camp July 6-30 8:30 - 11:45, WAIT LIST IS OPEN!

IN-PERSON Speranza Theater Program July 6-22 8:30 - 11:45!

Review the Speranza Theater Program (July 6-22 8:30 - 11:45; LIMITED AVAILABILITY):

Summer Fun Opportunities from the Department of Recreation

Please see the flyer and website below for more information.

Have a great summer!

Jersey City Public Schools Calendar 2021-2022

First Day of school is Thursday, September 9th

Join Us on the 2021-22 Cordero Digest

 Please see the Cordero Digest for the 2021-22 School Year: