Friday, September 18, 2020

Cordero Digest September 20, 2020


The Cordero Digest 2020-21

Cordero Webpage
Any questions? Please reach out to us: 
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
You can also leave a message with our Google Voice Numbers: 
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)

Open House on Tuesday, September 22

Ask your teacher a question

Have a question for a teacher? Ask it here. This form will be open until Monday at 5pm when all questions will be forwarded to the appropriate teacher.

Student Expectations for Virtual Learning

Please note that teachers are encouraged to personalize these ground rules to their classroom. 

Parent Reminders for Virtual Learning

Book distribution grades K & 1 on Tuesday at 9-11am and 2-3pm
Parents can come to pick up their child's books for grades K & 1 through the alley entrance on Pavonia Ave to pick up and sign for their child's books. Please note that teachers have determined which books are necessary at this time and students will need to return them once we return to school in Phase 2. Please maintain social distance and wear a mask.

Stay tuned for further details for grades 2 and up.

Lunch Applications

Lunch applications help to determine funding for our school. It is imperative that every parent/guardian complete one application for their family. 

Only parents/guardians can complete your lunch application online this year here are the links:
Food Service Parent Letter 2020-2021 School Year English
Parent Lunch Application English
Parent Lunch Application Spanish
Parent Lunch Application Arabic

Meal Distribution has changed

Thank you to the PTA for their procurement of Fifine Microphones!
Ten lucky teachers are able to boost their volume in their remote instruction!

Thank you to the PTA for their procurement of IPEVO mirror cams!
The mirror cams can be placed on top of the laptop camera and project an item on the keyboard. The donation allows for 18 lucky teachers to use a whiteboard (supplied) and demonstrate books.

Support your children as they advocate for support:

Encore Classes This Week
A reminder that this week coming Grades 1, 4 & 7 will have live Encore classes. All other grades should look at their Encore Teacher's Google Classroom for a remote assignment. 

You made it through a full week!
We want to congratulate all of you for your hard work and tenacity getting used to remote learning. There are certainly lessons to learn and we will continue to improve as we go. We appreciate your patience as we all learn how to do this well. Remember to take it easy this weekend and relax. 

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Join Us on the 2021-22 Cordero Digest

 Please see the Cordero Digest for the 2021-22 School Year: